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A Maine Patent and Trademark Company With International Reach

Bohan Mathers was founded in the historic Old Port area of Portland, Maine, and has grown to become one of the leading intellectual property firms in New England, serving clients throughout the United States and around the world. Bohan Mathers offers a broad range of intellectual property services, including professional assistance in all matters relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and contract and license agreements.


A patent is a property right granted by the United States government that enables the owner to exclude all others from making, using, and/or selling their invention throughout the United States. There are three specific types of patents: Utility, Design, and Plant.

About Patents


The trademark is a tradition with an extensive history. Since ancient times, proud craftspeople have put their individual marks on their work, and consumers have long depended on trademarks both to authenticate the source of the goods they buy and to stand for them as a mark of particular quality.

About Trademarks


The copyright is, literally, the right to copy something. Under current U.S. copyright law this right belongs to the creator of an original work of authorship, and it exists from the moment the work is fixed in tangible form. The copyright has been recognized in law for hundreds of years.

About copyrights